pygeos ====== pygeos is a pure python replacement for shapely, based on GEOS library. see `Shapely `_ Usage Sample ------------ This sample use osm vectors (roof boundarys) and build walls and roofs according. Consider osm vectors as being roof boundarys. Preparation: project vectors over terrain using wrap modifiers, then run the script. Parameters * preset: a full path for a roof preset, using optimized one here * roof_overflow: how much roof does overflow walls * storey_height: storey height for height estimation * use_small_as_axis: rotate wall so top part align to small axis .. code-block:: python :name: pygeos-buildings-from-osm-py :caption: Buid walls and roofs from osm closed lines import bpy from archipack.archipack_polylines import Io, ShapelyOps, CoordSys from math import ceil # create buildings from closed polygons like osm ones # preparation : project your curves over terrain using wrap modifier # preset file full path preset = "C:\\Users\\stephen\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.79\\scripts\\presets\\archipack_roof\\" # over width and length roof_overflow = 1.0 storey_height = 2.7 use_small_as_axis = False context = C scene = context.scene curves = context.selected_objects # Coordinate system does store common world matrix of inputs coords = CoordSys(curves) # input closed curves as pygeos.multipolygon collection multipolygon = Io.curves_to_geomcollection(curves, resolution=12, coordsys=coords) # osm curves are roofs boundarys, so use a buffer to get wall boundarys (use roof_overflow as distance from roof to wall) walls_buffer = [] walls_z = [] for geom in multipolygon.geoms: # tM a matrix world, at center tM, w, h, poly, w_pts = ShapelyOps.min_bounding_rect(geom) # w always the highest value bpy.ops.archipack.roof(auto_manipulate=False, filepath=preset) o = context.active_object z = min([co.z for co in geom.exterior.coords]) zmax = max([co.z for co in geom.exterior.coords]) # compute height from w / h height = storey_height * ceil(max(w, h) / 5) + zmax - z if use_small_as_axis: h, w = w, h rM = Matrix([ [0, -1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], ]) else: rM = Matrix() o.matrix_world = * tM * rM * Matrix([ [1, 0, 0, - (roof_overflow + 0.5 * w)], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) d =[0] d.auto_update = False d.z = height d.width_left = roof_overflow + (h / 2) d.width_right = roof_overflow + (h / 2)[0].length = w + 2 * roof_overflow d.auto_update = True # pygeos geometry.buffer buffer = geom.buffer(-roof_overflow, resolution=12, join_style=2, cap_style=3, mitre_limit=10 * roof_overflow, single_sided=False ) # output geom as curve result = Io.to_curve(scene, coords, geom, 'buffer') bpy.ops.archipack.roof_cutter(, auto_manipulate=False) cutter = context.active_object[0].operation = 'INTERSECTION'[0].user_defined_path = # setup bottom z of wall (polygon.exterior) for co in buffer.exterior.coords: co.z = z walls_buffer.append(buffer) # merge polygons into a pygeos.multipolygon collection # using geom._factory walls_polys = multipolygon._factory.buildGeometry(walls_buffer) # output single curve with multiple splines walls_curve = Io.to_curve(scene, coords, walls_polys, 'walls') # Build walls = walls_curve bpy.ops.archipack.wall2_from_curve(auto_manipulate=False) # Fit wall to roof for o in scene.objects: if and "archipack_wall2" in = o bpy.ops.archipack.wall2_fit_roof()