What’s new ?¶
Release 2.8.1¶
Add operator surface to steps (for terrains - or any surface)
Bugfix presets not properly saved
Bugix Pip modules setup of scipy
Bugfix special chars proper escaping for svg export
Bugfix roof slope with triangular ends enabled
Remove steps distance for draw tool in preferences and make it automatic
Add support for imperial fractions display
Bugfix curve selection display in 2d to 3d tool
Bugfix custom wall polling issue
Bugfix operator collection boolean
Release 2.8.0¶
Bugfix dateutil import syntax error exception
Bugfix crash on delete with Machin3 tools and other addons
Bugfix typo in hole delete
Bugfix curtain generation
Bugfix shader compilation under 3.x / 4.x
blender 4.x compatibility
Bugfix loosing angle when segment size is 0
Bugfix support for inch in keyboard
Release 2.7.0¶
Bugfix draw tool incorrect direction with removed segments
Bugfix window and doors foils not updated on instances
Release 2.6.0¶
Bugfix floors and molding from wall not properly matching doors
Bugfix square manipulators not selectable
Bugfix 2d to 3d extruded walls failing to create
Bugfix linked windows not properly updating childs
Remove bgl code for blender 3.7+ compatibility
Bugfix draw tool new segment direction wrong after delete
Release 2.5.1¶
Add support for shade smooth in blender 3.3
Bugfix polygon detection openings not creating holes
Bugfix molding/floor detection for hole object
Bugfix kill parameters
Bugfix kitchen object crash blender when adding cabinets by hand
Release 2.5.0¶
Bugfix draw tools not allowing navigation using shift + middle mouse
Bugfix presets not loading material index list properly
Bugfix copy modifier stack fails with read only attributes
Bugfix assembly draw tool fail to create objects
Bugfix furniture draw tool fail to create objects
Bugfix door typo in custom hole
Bugfix add/remove segment arrows manipulator failing
Bugfix 2d symbol may fail when model is not properly welded
Bugfix py deps installer fails on some unicode systems
Bugfix kill archipack parameters fails
Bugfix door hole size not fitting frame
Bugfix section creation crash blender
Release 2.4.0¶
Allow shift to restart wall draw tool as alt alternative for emulate 3d mouse
Fix refpoint merge issue when there is no childs on target
Fix svg export fail with hidden kitchen object
Fix svg export fail to check stairs visibility
Fix custom preset fails to load
Fix kitchen custom door style
Add Veil object (sunshade veil)
Add symbol 2d operator
Fix division by 0 in polylines
Fix finishing removal does not update openings
Area expose wall_area, area, perimeter and volume as parameters
Furniture creation use selected objects if any as member
Polylines io able to input mesh edges
Reference point implements “take ownership” operator
Fix slab icon
Window Fix editing handle fails when window is bent
Fix preset import, allow to skip or override presets
Fix window rail panels size and alignment
Fix window rail alignment with wall
Expose animation in preferences
Fix stairs creation
Fix curveman profile enumerator
Fix draw tool for fence and molding
Fix beam svg export
Update version number on migration
Fix scipy installer for 2.93+ / 3.0
Fix export svg ignoring curves with altitudes != 0
Fix manipulators for curve based objects not working
Support for 3.0
Fix angle manipulators not working while drawing
Expose hole margin
Implement orthogonal draw tool for wall, molding and fence
expose door handle altitude
Fix icons missing in segments2
Custom objects everywhere
Fix roof’s hip
Implement Collada import from warehouse
Fix ceiling real-time preset
Fix roof’s child cutter
Draw tool to floor with snap to wall’s
Center to world operator
Enhancement improve door frames to allow metallic like profiles
Enhancement expose door overflow in frame
Enhancement improve window panel location with respect to frame
Enhancement expose Create reference point operator
Enhancement spaces may be closed by standalone windows / doors / beams
Enhancement window mounting interior / exterior / nail on frame
Enhancement window open to outside
Enhancement window support for custom frame, including hierarchy
Add Assembly object to group openings
Add Furniture object to group furnitures like user defined objects
Enhancement support user defined object in preset including hierarchy
Enhancement support user defined Custom in windows and doors
Enhancement support user defined object in windows and doors
Enhancement support Custom entity load/save presets
Fix Custom object support any level of hierarchy
Fix Custom object flip state not working with instances
Enhancement Custom object provide deformable option for children
Enhancement Custom setup Operator reminds settings for objects
Enhancement door handles support custom objects with hierarchy
Enhancement support handles location inside / outside / both / none
Enhancement allow different user defined handle for inside / outside
Enhancement window handle allow user defined objects including hierarchy
Enhancement door allow dumb user defined object and Custom based
Enhancement window allow dumb user defined object and Custom based
Enhancement window provide user option to set handle type
Enhancement window alignment with respect to wall inside/outside/axis
Enhancement user defined window and door support for automatic hole
Enhancement standalone windows closing space between walls with snap
Enhancement kitchen support Custom based user defined doors
Enhancement kitchen support user defined handles
Enhancement draw tool support for draw to floor
Enhancement allow to save preset “category”
Refactor objects flags are now grouped
Fix polygon detection fails when any geometry is a point / line
Enhancement render thumbs support many objects
Ehnancement wall2 support for Assembly of openings
Fix “soft” window not working when auto_synch is disabled
Fix wall openings manipulators not setup when auto_synch is disabled
Fix wall openings relocation fails when auto_synch is disabled
Fix wall support for Custom object flip state
Fix dimension not created
Fix in area
Fix custom draw handlers and events
Fix 2d to 3d window handle altitude
Add edges slope overlay operator (f3 + slope)
Release 2.3.6¶
Bugfix Area creation fails
Bugfix Dimension creation fails
Bugfix 2d to 3d error while creating windows
Release 2.3.5¶
Svg export now use absolute size in mm
Turkish translation by Erder Keshkin
Add window surface deform operator
Auto synchro disabled by default
Fix loosing luxcore material on object delete
Fix Merge walls / moldings / fence performance issue
Support for custom handle geometry
Support for custom door / window geometry
Support for custom woor / window hole geometry
Hole object may cut or allow moldings
Support for new blendebim ifc export
Simplify objects representation on the fly for ifc body
Fix window 2d hole representation
Fix “freemove” creation mode for draw tools, (enable in preferences)
Support for custom geometry for tiles / hips for roofs
Fix roof hip not always generated
Fix roof draft generating wrong edges in co-planar polygon
Fix crash bug in archipack section
Support for geometry nodes based section (experimental, breaking uvs)
Fix gap between stairs limit too big
Fix preset not generated when addon is outside standard path
Add “Generic” walls presets
Add concrete stair presets
Fix window round / elliptic preset handles
Fix tools tab closed by default
Fix objects array operator negative scaling
Allow multiple vertical rows for array operator
Fix Quick edit only woring once
Allow up to 128 foils in windows
Fix performance issue with boolean exact solver
Release 2.3.4¶
Bugfix: Boolean solver now set to fast
Bugfix: Svg exporter fails when a stair is hidden
Bugfix: Duplicate level fails with hole entity
Enhancement: hopscotch pattern allow different ratio between big/small tiles
Release 2.3.3¶
Blender 2.91 compatibility release
Bugfix: Regression in fence from curve
Enhancement: triangle from curved top shape of windows and holes (2 segments)
Bugfix: context issue in modifier apply
Bugfix: Slice moldings
Bugfix: Auto synch fails with missing generator
Feature: global auto synch switch in preferences
Enhancement: support for 2.91 for bevel changes
Enhancement: support for 2.90 change in modifier apply
Bugfix: Regression in dimension manipulators
Bugfix: Roof draft fails to properly generate faces
Bugfix: export svg font color now respect material
Bugfix: Custom roof shape fail with low slope
Bugfix: Support for 2.91 API in Pip installer
Release 2.3.2¶
Feature: Remove manipulator highlight removed point
Feature: wall from curve support for grease pencil
Feature: support for blenderbim dimensions
Bugfix: dimension fails when measureIt Arch is not installed
Bugfix: regression in make unique for windows / doors / hole
Bugfix: linked openings location when manipulating size through wall
Bugfix: door manipulator side swapped
Bugfix: 2d to 3d precision issue in polyskel
Bugfix: exporter shortcuts
Bugfix: support for materials / finishings / slices in merge / add / slice
Bugfix: support for 2.83+: changes in bevel
Bugfix: support for 2.90+: scene ray cast
Bugfix: support for 2.83+: bgl color management
Bugfix: window/door draw tools restart to create linked objects
Bugfix: line simplify fails when there is less than 2 points
Bugfix: blenderbim support for versions 200722+
Bugfix: svg export fails with curve without points
Bugfix: use defined roof without slope
Release 2.3.1¶
Feature: ifc export initial support for “2d Plan” representation
Feature: 2d Area : support for label
Bugfix: svg export multiple holes representations
Bugfix: svg export not hiding layouts
Bugfix: Crash on undo with “preset” operators
Bugfix: Context issue in disable auto manipulate
Bugfix: Array operator not taking altitude into account
Bugfix: Crash with luxcore materials
BugFix: Missing icon in 2.83
Bugfix: Wall slice/merge operator not handling openings properly
Bugfix: ifc export fails with unassigned polygon material index
Bugfix: svg export fails on topology errors
Bugfix: stop auto manipulate error
Bugfix: python deps installer fails on 2.83+
Bugfix: terrain modifiers update issue
Bugfix: terrain road index error
Bugfix: wall finishing error when deleted
Bugfix: window / door error on svg export
Enhancement: svg export is now up to 10 x faster
Enhancement: svg export support for css styled elements
Enhancement: manipulator use scene unit setup for keyboard values
Feature: section filter objects by collection
Feature: Support for measureIt Arch 0.0.4+
Bugfix: Simplify line remove too many vertices under some conditions
Bugfix: 2d to 3d fails on degenerated X shaped intersections
Bugfix: Wall snap fails on small wall segments
Bugfix: Dimension preset store target
Feature: Hide holes support for Luxcore and ProRender
Bugfix: Crash with luxcore materials
Bugfix: 2d to 3d selection display
Bugfix: Wall snap issue on thick walls
Release 2.3.0¶
Feature Export ifc
Feature Ifc Structure create and cleanup
German translation by Martin Bornschein
Bugfix 2d to 3d fails on E and P shaped walls
Bugfix blind material not loaded
Bugfix division by zero in path manipulators
Bugfix object from curve not properly updated
Bugfix error when cycles is not enabled
Bugfix roof cutter / terrain cutter not updating parent on delete
Bugfix manipulator location may fail
Bugfix geometry filter
Bugfix throttle error when object name change in the between
Bugfix merge close sources Polygon skeleton
Bugfix presets with finishings
Feature path manipulator use G shortcut to move points, and better select mode
Bugfix Roof better user defined roof detection
Bugfix Wall and slab uv not always properly unwrapped
Enhancement context less low level operations
Bugfix thumbs generator support for curves
Bugfix thumbs generator transparent background changes in 2.82
Release 2.2.7¶
Feature Wall allow finishing on start and end faces
Feature Allow to disable automatic boolean on Door and Window
Feature Window sill altitudes
Feature add default uv to handles
Feature Door spherical handle
Feature Door array operator
Feature Door create standalone door operator
Feature Door without frame
Feature Door allow negative bevel for panels
Feature array ui now display rule nesting
Feature add option to display path manipulator as small line
Feature add shortcut option for path manipulator in preferences
Feature wall are now able to snap on wall start and end
Bugfix in wall snap : way more predictable and reliable
Enhaced roof “Roman” covering shape
Feature merge wall2 to single geometry operator (for export to game engine)
Bugfix division by zero on wall
Bugfix array rotate on corner affect scale
Bugfix array remove part change generator order
Bugfix array ui not properly updated when remove all geometry
Bugfix slab fails to add 2nd balcony
Regression : temporary disable animation support
Release 2.2.6¶
Bugfix wall segment parameters not showing
Bugfix error on window / hole array when there is not enough space
Release 2.2.5¶
Bugfix wall merge auto boolean and openings orientation
Bugfix wall snap precision issue
Bugfix error when deleting wall / fence / molding in draw mode
Bugfix Manipulator SPACE conflict with full screen toggle
Bugfix Manipulators limit add and split to A and S keys without modifiers
Enhancement path merge at segment intersection
Enhancement reference point duplicate now allow x, y, and z offset
Fix Ceiling “auto-sychro” error
Enhancement Terrain allow “Satellite” map uv projection
Feature experimental Array entity
Fix Roof round tiles shape
Fix Roof missing tiles near top of roof
Fix Roof tiles overlay
Bugfix Roof cutter rotation
Bugfix Roof cutter segments ui
Bugfix nested Roof childs altitude
Add random seed in Roof and Floor
Feature Fence allow negative space for panels
Feature more precision in stair height / footstep display
Add move up/down operators for kitchen cabinets
Add merge kitchen operator
Add support for window out frame material
Add support for window glass location / thickness
Enhancement Window / Hole array support for curved segments
Enhancement Window / Hole bend no more “dead area” when manipulating
Feature limited support for archipack parameter animation
Bugfix svg export fails with crossing walls
Bugfix svg export fails on single wall with openings
Add svg export support for multi line text
Bugfix section fails to remove temp objects when not crossing anything
Fix potential issues with physical atmosphere addon
Bugfix material preview
Add a tool to remove vertex colors for visible objects
Add a global vertex colors parameter in prefs to disable generation
Add support for altitude in segments
Add support for explicit collection name when duplicate object
Add support for labels with icons
Add support for custom script path
Bugfix move preset window location
Release 2.2.4¶
Feature Ceiling object
Feature Support for wall’s wood cladding finishing
Feature Create standalone window operator
Feature Split and Merge walls, fences and moldings
Feature Add and remove segment manipulators for walls / fence / moldings / slab / floors / ceiling / roof draft / cutter
Fix wall geometry now remains stable when changing base line from inside / axis / outside and flip inside / outside
Feature offset and apply offset operator for wall
Fix switching workspace error when manipulating
Fix hole not properly detect floor area
Fix molding from wall now skip single vertices curves
Fix check of geometry in wall to curve
Fix closed wall representation in export .svg
Spanish translation revision from Sara Gonzalez
Fix roof draft segment edition not working through ui
Improved uv unwrap for patterns on walls / floors / ceilings
Fix Slab side material index not working when angle is under 1°
Fix roof presets skylight loosing parent segment
Fix unhide / enable collections when needed
Cleanup blind bend
Fix error in native experimental ifc exporter on some systems
Release 2.2.3¶
Fix from curve object’s origin depending on curve orientation
Fix hole not hidden by windows/hole arrays
Feature support for 2d to 3d walls in duplicate level operators
Fix allow roof segments up to 10k units
Fix holes not properly detected by floors / moldings
Ifc export fix for windows
Windows separated glass
Allow to restart “draw wall” tool on any wall by keeping ALT pressed
Manipulators handles facing view
Feature operator for ifc naming convention cleanup
Feature add operator to apply random uvs for game engine export
Fix preset loader not working after draw a wall
Fix typo in moldings collection name
Fix door minimum wall thicnkess (lower to 3 cm instead of 10cm)
Fix regression in auto synchro with square manipulators
Fix 2d to 3d selection no more working after undo
Fix zero division error in roof
Fix snap issue in walls with small width
Fix material index of inside 10x240 wall preset
Fix superscript for 2 and 3 missing with blender units
Fix wall manipulators setup not properly handling CW mode
Release 2.2.2¶
Russian translation by Demid Wolf
Parametric Hole object
Add Triangulate operator for game engine export
fix floors/slab/molding from wall failing with round wall segments
fix handles subsurf level to 2
fix wall uvs continuity for “in” side
Release 2.2.1¶
Italian translation by Luca Pierantozzi
Add support for Filmic addon
Bugfix py deps installer fails on windows 7
refactory addon updater client / server side
Release 2.2.0¶
fix reference point merge
fix regression in 2d to 3d wall generator
fix doors and windows default material on create
fix layers in 2d to 3d
fix for view layer
floor default to (not so) slow boolean - but way safer
Release 2.1.0¶
fix beam normals
fix floor “Realtime” randomly flipped normals
fix door soil normals
fix altitude for custom objects
enable terrain by default - fix for missing icons
addon updater to make it easy to check for updates and request download link when available (About panel of create tab)
Release 2.0.10¶
Fix issues with section objects.
Release 2.0.9¶
hot fix for auto-manipulate issues
Release 2.0.8¶
Fix crash with auto-manipulate enabled when drawing walls
Fix thumbnails generator for presets
Fix brep in .ifc export
Release 2.0.7¶
Fast terrain generation with optional support for scipy (up to 20x faster)
Fast floor / roof covering boundary / cutters
Better geometry and easy manipulation of “soft windows” on wall’s edges
bugfix in angle manipulators
bugfix in 2d export
bugfix in multi dimensions
bugfix curved windows rod
Spanish translation by Sara González
Rough experimental ifc exporter - still in alpha stage
bugfix in translation system for operators
Experimental python modules installer
Release 2.0.6¶
Soft windows following wall shape
Roof draft object
Support for roofs from user defined polygons
Material management tab
Enhanced Custom object setup
Cutters: support for “Union” operation, perfect for roofs overhangs
14 Languages
Setting for presets thumbs size in preferences
Enhanced “Constant handle size”
Enhanced roof bevel and fix for tiles across valley
Roof randomness for tiles
Support for rotation of reference points in “3d space”
Enhanced draw tools for fence and moldings (build on xy plane when not snapping)
Release 2.0.5¶
Enhanced terrain
Draw tools for moldings and fences
Array tool for windows and custom openings
Wall finishing
Duplicate tools in reference point, including collection instance mode
Chinese and french translations
Release 2.0.4¶
Terrain (experimental feature)
Refactory 2d to 3d polygon to wall
Reference point “to building collection”
Fastest floor generation (up to 5x)
Floor and molding support for inside spaces not touching outside walls
Support for holes in Area 2d objects
Support for offset of walls patterns
Bugfix wall patterns not aligned across faces
Fix for regressions of tranlation system
BugFix stairs user defined parts
Bugfix roof from wall crash
Bugfix fence and rail fence profile
Bugfix material not properly saved into library
Release 2.0.3¶
Compatibility fix
Support for internationalization
Support for offset of floors patterns
Release 2.0.2¶
Architectural Sunlight
Area / volume 2d object
On screen Translation system
Create collection and fast duplicate of level reference point tools
Releas 2.0.1¶
Hung Windows
Curtain generator
Release 2.0.0¶
Blender 2.8 compatibility
Auto manipulate
Cleaner ui using tabs
Save materials to library
Wall snap sides
Fast wall synchro of objects
Walls tools available into wall object parameters
Material indexes setup by material name
Use of collection to structure projects
Generic delete operator taking care of objects relationship
Auto backup while manipulating
Realtime manipulate using object’s degenerate temporary state
User feed back using cursor “wait”
Random vertex colors for roofs, fences, stairs and floors
Simplifyed material library
Kitchen materials override by cabinet and doors
Wall materials override by segment
Door step
Improved window panel (joints and center parts)
Slab and slab cutter materials as per segment
Reference points duplicate/delete level objects tools
Remove / merge reference points tools
Improved delete holes
Better custom windows/doors setup
Fastest preset saving using eevee
Better wall fit roof
Release 1.4.0¶
Better manipulators
Better intersection code for arcs
Basic abstraction layer for 2.8
Layer management
Support for user defined units in dimensions
Better handling of objects creation right in 3d
Fence: user defined material for posts
Manipulators: support for more than 2 properties
Material: fastest assignment
Molding: fastest preset loading
Drop support for manipulators gl rendering
Better reference point management
Support for curved segment bi-directional manipulators
Refactor type change for segments
Cleanup ui, more consistent across objects
Wall auto synch speed improvement
Wall location with respect to base line easyer to setup (axis, left, right)
Wall support for offset
Release 1.3.8¶
Improved stability
Slab from wall auto-adjust offset to fit wall outside
Floor from wall advanced auto-detection of childs walls / slab cuts / doors / windows
Moldings with advanced tool moldings from wall
Floor support for rotation of patterns
Wall to curve (inside, outside, both, 2d symbol with openings, floors boundarys)
Stair to curve (2d symbol, hole as curve for slab/floors cutters)
Slab, Floor, Roof and Wall: add proper delete tool
Slab, Floor, Fence, Wall and Cutters from curve: add support for scaled curve
Autoboolean now use intersection based wall holes ownership detection (wall2 only)
Reference point shape flat arrows to ease snapping
Bugfix: kitchen cabinets dosent allow hole on 1st cab
Bugfix: pygeos relate operation not working as expected (contains / touches / intersects.. relationship)
Bugfix: wall childs detection on open walls leading to wrong relocation
Bugfix: dynamic material enumerator not properly holding reference
Bugfix: wall relocate childs fails on Split and Remove segment
Bugfix: 2d to 3d create wall not always working as expected (view manager clipping error)
Single operator to manipulate: bpy.ops.archipack.manipulate()
Remove support for depricated boolean carve mode
Improve presets parameters filtering on save
Loading preset modify all selected objects
Better icons and context check for tools (create objects from wall)
Reorder create panel so it match typical workflow
Fence from curve use curve resolution at create time
Section and Camera section objects
Multi-dimensions object bound to “measurable points” selectable right on screen
Layout object to precisely define “paper space” for export
symbol for windows
symbol for doors
symbol for walls including support for childs walls
symbol for stairs
Basic dimension object
2d svg exporter
floor heating pipes designer (alpha)
Release 1.3.7¶
Kitchen cabinets see Kitchen
Window Shutters see Components
Add parameter for panels depth and borders
Add parameter for hinge size
Bugfix: wrong location of hinge when shape is not rectangle
Add parameters for window panels profile size
Improvement of frame shape for rail windows
Add global offset parameter for slabs
Bugfix: wall T parent not always synch child
Bugfix: blind not properly created by windows
Bugfix: wrong slab geometry with cw wall
Release 1.3.6¶
Window shutters see Components
Blind object see Blind
Update documentation link
Release 1.3.5¶
2d to 3d
Use pygeos instead of shapely
Improvement of Detect tools workflow (1 single button and then keyboard)
Add 2d boolean
Add buffer
Add offset
Add simplify
2d to 3d tutorial video